Personal Budget


A Personal Budget (PGB) in the Netherlands is a financial arrangement provided by the government to enable individuals with a care need to purchase and arrange their own care and support. It is intended for people who require long-term care due to a disability, chronic illness, or old age.


There are different types of PGB, depending on the care you need:

  • PGB from the Youth Act, for children up to 18 years old.

  • PGB from the Social Support Act (Wmo), for household assistance, guidance, or day activities.

  • PGB from the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz), for long-term care at home.


With a PGB, individuals can choose their own caregivers who are a good fit for them, such as personal caregivers, nurses, support workers, or other healthcare professionals. It enables them to have control over their own care process and receive personalized care.


The PGB is granted based on an assessment by the Care Needs Assessment Centre (CIZ) or a municipal institution, depending on the type of care needed. The budget amount is determined based on the care needs and is periodically evaluated. With the PGB, individuals are responsible for purchasing and organizing their care. They make agreements with caregivers, handle the administration, and pay the caregivers from the allocated budget. Certain rules must be followed, and accountability for the budget's utilization is required.


How do I qualify for a PGB?

To qualify for a Personal Budget (PGB) under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz) in the Netherlands, there are several steps and criteria to be met. Here is a general overview of the process:


1. Apply for an indication: The first step is to apply for an indication from the Center for Indication of Healthcare (CIZ). The CIZ assesses whether someone meets the criteria for long-term care. This may include severe limitations due to illness, disability, or old age, requiring 24-hour care in close proximity.


2. Indication interview: After the application, the CIZ will schedule an indication interview. During this interview, the applicant's care needs will be assessed. It is important to clearly explain why you believe a PGB is the most suitable form of care for your situation.


3. Indication decision: Based on the application and the indication interview, the CIZ makes a decision and issues an indication decision. This document states whether you are entitled to care under the Wlz and which level of care (care profile) has been assigned to you.


4. Apply for PGB: With the indication decision, you can apply for a PGB at the regional care office (zorgkantoor) in your area. The care office assesses whether you qualify for a PGB, considering factors such as your motivation, ability to manage the PGB, and whether you can procure the necessary care.


5. Create a budget plan: When applying for the PGB, you must submit a budget plan. This plan outlines how you intend to use the PGB, which caregivers you wish to engage, and the rates you intend to apply.


6. PGB allocation: If the care office approves your application, you will receive an allocation of the PGB. This document specifies the allocated budget and any conditions.


7. Procure care: With the allocated PGB, you can independently procure care according to your budget plan. You enter into agreements with caregivers and take responsibility for the administration and management of the PGB.


We are always ready to assist you with the application for an indication from the CIZ and for a PGB.